Saturday, March 3, 2007

And then there came.....

Well i was just new to this world & was looking at the things around me in ful surprise...Then ma guardians used to teach me about things and once they showed me another species almost similar to mine...

yeah! As usual i was more surprised...everything looked the same other than some smaller dissismilarities..and when i came to know more about that species i became more confused...
I came to know that is the most confused & complicated species...hmm made me more confused....
Yeah! Days went by, years passed like a bulet train & now am in nother world where i am a ROBOT.......

Got a Schedule, work accordingly, sleep accordingly party accordingly...& atlast...the same old fun...yeah! life has reached somewhere i think..somewhere where u keep on struggling & atlast no special gain as such.....Hmm mad e many friends..even made some good relationships also..wanna convert some thing nto more meaningful one...

Am thinking before taking a decision....No Hasty decisions....
The sun is sleepy..he is goin off to sleep & me, still awake waiting for the sun to Wake up.....
for a new beginning, a new day, new hopes, new fun, something relaly new...a Hope that something is gonna change my life.....yeah! HOpeeeeeeeeeee....Keep hopping.....

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