Sometimes we feel to communicate, but we are not supposed to communicate. We loose ourselves & our freedom. Why ? All for food, future, money. Freedom of speech is something which is not applicable to all. It is denied to some people now also. Some people expresses their feelings by writing & think about a rule which is denying it? A kid who makes a castle in the beach side & is doing the finishing touches. He had spend a large amount of energy & creativity in that castle. But think when somebody shatters his dreams by destroying the castle, Cruelty , Madness. A man who wanna communicate or express & being denied to do that, A man whose cry for help shouldn't go out. This is the New World Order. We have to follow rules, policies etc to keep some body's Interest, someones business running. Welcome to the system, a system which is designed for the good of mankind which is later manipulated & converted into a system which follows wealth rather than happiness & a system which runs for its own. Once u r inside this, the only way to get out is to break it & run away. Nobody can alter it. Sadness, despair & frustration filling the void, humans still living as slaves & calls it corporate life. Why Why Why?